50 x 40 cm.
100x100 cm
Dream Vision
80x100 cm
It's all connected
2 stk. à 130 x 65 cm
Declining Landscape
100x100 cm.
Don't believe everything you hear
100x80 cm
Glimpse of Paradise 1 + 2
40 x 30 cm.
Glimpse of Paradise 1
40 x 30 cm
Glimpse of Paradise 2
70x50 cm.
What goes on behind the curtains
150x100 cm
Rose Madder
80x60 cm
Together forever
90x120 cm.
Moonlight dip
60x20 cm
210x170 cm.
Fly free
Arctic 1 + 2
50x40 cm.
Swan Lake
30x30 cm
Going to the Spirit world
60x80 cm
Lady in Yellow with a cat
250x80 cm.
Lush Landscape
60x80 cm.
Balancing Life 1
50x50 cm.
Balancing Life 2
80x60 cm.
Golden Nights 1
Golden Nights 2
Mother Earth out of Balance
30 x 30 cm
Copyright © Alle rettigheder forbeholdes